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Excellent insight. "Excellent, I say! EXCELLENT!!"

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Dr. Molly Rutherford

I was in medical sales for 16 years. I knew by March of 2020 those snakes were up to no good because I used to work for them.

The amount of damage done to our medical system by the architects of this pre-planned fiasco is incalculable. And, they created a multi TRILLION dollar never ending global triage market money machine for decades to come.

I already knew the curriculum in our medical schools was compromised by the R0ck3f3ller cartel. It shows too in the response by our medical community. I can only hope this fiasco jars the medical community awake so that they realize the snakes at the very top are ruthless, greedy, and have no boundries or scruples.

I'm glad you see the light. I'm glad you see the snakes. I hope you don't get hurt by the tox shot you took. Stay brave :)

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Dec 9, 2022Liked by Dr. Molly Rutherford

Molly, as your favorite advocate, you spoke from your heart, great insight into a very controversial subject. I knew when email came out before I retired, people, friends and family would say things they would never say to our faces. Social media can be a good and bad thing. We have all learned valuable lessons from the vaccination, lock downs, mandates and especially what it did to our children. As a Christian, I believe all things happen for a reason. Let’s begin again believing and trusting Jesus. Thank you for your intelligent, honest, truthful and humble brilliant comments. I love you and am very proud of you. Mom

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People “at high risk” were the worst candidates for the jab as they were already likely immune compromised. It was ALL bullshit. A very bad flu is what it was. The rest was just noise. Still waiting for most people to wake the hell up!!!

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Wow I'm so excited to find you. Thanks for your good work! I wrote my story here. We are many millions strong.

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